Alaska House of Representatives, District 8

Balanced Budget

Balanced Budget

Four Point Fiscal Focus

The four-point fiscal focus is one of my top priorities this session. The goal is to open the door for conversation and help the legislature take imperative steps towards a healthy and long-term fiscal plan for Alaska. My areas of

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Press Release: Response to Governor’s Budget Vetoes

June 20, 2023 Press Release: Response to Governor’s Budget Vetoes Yesterday, the Governor announced the vetoes he made to the FY24 budget. The Governor’s vetoes amount to a substantial $202 million in reductions, including $145 million from the operating budget

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Is Economic Growth A Legislative Priority?

After several recent lengthy updates, I promise to keep this short and to the point! Earlier this week I wrote about the risk permanent fund earnings pose to our oil & gas industry. My premise was that increased permanent fund investment earnings

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State Revenue Update

The second week of session is now behind us. Only sixteen more to go! I fully expect this session will continue until the 120th day, May 17, 2022, or very close to it. At this point, I would be very

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