Rep. Ben Carpenter
Alaska House of Representatives, District 8

Quick Update On The Start Of The 33rd Legislature

January 19, 2023

Hello from Juneau! Here is a quick update on the start of the 33rd Legislature. On the second day of session, House Republicans organized a 23 member majority through a partnership with members from rural western Alaska. Representative Cathy Tilton (Mat-Su) will preside over the House of Representatives as Speaker of the House and Representative Dan Saddler (Eagle River) will perform the duties of Majority Leader. Committee assignments have been made and we are currently in the process of getting committees and offices established. Our goal is to begin work on the budget next week during the sub-committee process.

I will be serving as Chairman of the Joint Legislative Budget and Audit Committee, also known as LB&A. The committee is one of the three permanent interim committees of the Alaska State Legislature that can act during both session and interim. LB&A was created in 1955 to provide the Legislature with fiscal analysis, budget review, and audit functions. In 1980, the committee also became responsible for monitoring the lending and investment activities of the State of Alaska. Two permanent staff agencies, established by statute, report to LB&A: the Legislative Finance Division and the Division of Legislative Audit. The committee is made up of five members (and one alternate) from each body.

I will also serve as Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee. Ways & Means has the responsibility for finding the “ways and means” of providing revenue to the state budget through taxation and other revenue-raising measures. The committee is made up of five members. We will be looking at solutions to the “PFD problem” and exploring options for a more stable long-term fiscal plan.

My committee assignment also includes seats on the JudiciaryState AffairsMilitary & Veterans Affairs, and Tribal Affairs committees.

You may continue to reach me at the same email address: and phone number: 907-465-3779. I welcome your feedback and suggestions!

I will endeavor to provide regular updates by email as the session progresses and I also plan to provide regular session updates on KSRM’s “Sound Off” program. So stay tuned and watch your inbox!