Rep. Ben Carpenter
Alaska House of Representatives, District 8

End of Fourth Special Session Update

The fourth special session will end this week without a vote on a single bill nor action taken on any bills by any committee to address our structural deficit, the purpose for which we were called into session by Governor Dunleavy. The recommendations from the Fiscal Policy Working Group have been ignored for the second straight special session. In truth, the fourth special session was destined to fail. The primary reason was a continuation of the obstruction strategy employed by the House leadership to oppose Governor Dunleavy. Fatigue also played a role. Some legislators were just tired of dealing with the problem. Some needed to be home with their families and sources of employment.

I’ve attached a recent press release from the House Minority speaking directly to the lack of progress. I’ve also attached the Governor’s amended declaration calling the legislature into session for your reference. His purpose for calling the special session was justified. Our inaction is not.

There are currently no plans for a fifth special session, so the next time the legislature will meet will be in January 2022 during the next regular session.


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